526 Southern Estuary Road, Lake Clifton WA 6215

Wild Flowers in Lake Clifton - Island Point - But it Gets Better Read On!
One of the best 5 acres overlooking the Estuary with bountiful wild flowers in full bloom. A couple of minutes drive to Island Point. This property will astound you!Level Building Envelope with Power & Bore, fully fenced natural timbered block with Jarrah, Marri, Sheoak various Banksia species, considerable flowering shrubs, wildflowers and orchids in understory, The house was destroyed during the Lake Clifton Bush Fire and has power on site at the building envelope including water, sewer, telephone cable laid and a quality bore. The vegetation has largely recovered but never the less this block is one of the best available with panoramic views to the east, plus the property is serviced with a gravel driveway. All the hard work has been done, just build your dream home and relax. Just down the road is the Estuary and Crabs galore!
Property ID: 672565