150 Beattie Road, Oberon NSW 2787

Sold for $780,000
Lifestyle Acreage.
A peaceful and tranquil 22 acres of gently sloping land leading down to the Duckmaloi River. Easily accessed within 10 minutes of Oberon and within 2.5 hours Sydney. Comfortable four bedroom home with central open plan living area. North facing sunroom with views to the Duckmaloi River.
Features include but are not limited to
– Spring feed dam.
– Slow combustion wood heating,
– Grid connected power.
– Lush pastures and rich river flats
– Small stand of eucalyptus trees.
– Ideal small grazing property.
– 2 large water tanks.
Call Leigh Hands 0429 148 363 to book your inspection.
Property ID: 1277015